Some time ago I have been tagged by
Pinneguri from Oslo. In fact this happened more than
a month ago, which can mean two things: perhaps I have been busy or I could have been procrastinating... I think it is a mixture of both, with the first reason prevailing.
Here are the five questions I had to answer:
1. What were you doing ten years ago?
I was working in the same job as today, as a night nurse in a hospital in Ghent, Belgium.
The ward was a surgical one at that time and now I am in a ward specialised in the rehabi-
litation of people with a neurological disease.
2. What are five things on my to do list?
I don't have such a list, thinking of it makes me procrastinate which is the reason why I don't
queue projects on Ravelry.
Perhaps I could exercise a bit more and keep the blogging up-to-date: my blog resembles
more of knitting memoirs sometimes, which can be nice as subjects are treated as a whole.
3. Snacks I enjoy.
All things sweet and crisp, like marzipan covered in chocolate or homemade cookies.
4. Things I would do if I were a billionaire?
Improving my house in the first place (at an age of 137 it can always use a bit of refurbishing)
and donating a part towards charity and environmental organisations. And a myriad of other
great and small, and traveling also... But you can't buy a good health so the billionaire thing is
not the most important.
5. Places I have lived?
Only in Belgium: Bruges, Antwerp and Ghent (mostly).
I tag the following persons (sorry, that's part of the game):
RedSamur en AmeriaWolligDominiqueKnitchyNinounWith thanks!