Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Haapsalu Sall-Cobweb yarn and mimicry

Het garen van mijn Haapsalu sjaal-in-wording is letterlijk RAGfijn. Niet dat ik er in dagen niet aan gewerkt had maar deze spin vond de omgeving blijkbaar erg geschikt...
The yarn of my Haapsalu shawl in progress is real cobweb as you can see. Not that I did not work at it for days, this spider just crept in and made some lace of his own. Must be family of Harry the knitting spider...
La laine pour mon châle d'Estonie est vraiment aussi fine que du fil d'araignée...

En meerdere lieveheersbeestjes vergeleken zichzelf met nupps, van mimicry gesproken:
And several ladybugs wanted to resemble a nupp, a new kind of mimicry perhaps:
Et plusieurs coccinelles voulaient ressembler les noppes du point estonien:


rachel said...

oh quelle jolie mimetisme...quelle peosier...bien que trouver une araignee dans ma laine...j'aurais pas aime..;o)

fleegle said...

Harry says that's his cousin, Don. Don is pretty young, but he's an excellent bartender. Don says that he uses ladybugs in his Stinger cocktail instead of small onions.

The color on that shawl is fantastic, by the way.

toto said...

ces photos sont incroyables! ces couleurs! la précision des insectes!