The pattern that I used resulted in a playful scarf that can be worn in different ways.
Klassiek rondom de hals geslagen:
Thrown around the neck:
Wijd uitgespreid als stola:
Spread out as a stole:
Of met een sjaalspeld:
Or with a shawl pin:
Het was zalig haken omwille van de zachtheid van dit alpacagaren en de subtiele kleurschakeringen die door de vingers glijden...
It was lovely crocheting because of the softness of this alpacayarn and the subtle shades of colour gliding through my fingers...
Absolutely wonderful, like all your work!
superbe ! comme plusieurs de tes ouvrages je trouve que c'est quasiment une oeuvre d'art. Je crois te l'avoir déjà dit plusieurs fois...
it is womderful; I love your version of this pattern; I have queued it last year and now I must remove it in the top of my queue!
maintenant c a toi d'en profiter...hummm superbe...
wow, Marie-Paule, wat maak jij toch mooie dingen. En waar haal jij toch al die mooie patroontjes? Dit vind ik gewoon subliem.
Veel groetjes uit Eke.
wouahhhhhhhhh!! j'adore, c'est une pure merveille!!
Marie-Paule -- your knitting is amazing. What a stunning shawl!
Magnifique... C'est toujours un régal de venir chez toi ;))
This is so lovely. Would you mind sharing the measurements? It would also be very helpful to know how many yards you used. I have some yard that I'd love to use but I'm not sure I have enough.
Thanks so much.
To the anonymous crocheter: I used about 240 yards of Araucania Copihue and the measurements are approximately 10 to 60 inches (difficult to measure because the trellis is very stretchy).
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